Sirisha Narayana, MD

Associate Professor of Medicine in the Division of Hospital Medicine
Department of Medicine

Sirisha Narayana, MD is Associate Professor of Medicine in the Division of Hospital Medicine, Department of Medicine. In addition to practicing clinically as a hospitalist at UCSF Medical Center, she holds multiple leadership roles in medical education (including co-chairing the Academy of Medical Educators Innovations Grant committee), champions gender equity within the Division of Hospital Medicine, and chairs the UCSF Ethics Committee.

Joined UCSF: 2014
Joined CSW: 2021
Sub-committee: Policy/Advocacy


Trainee Autonomy and Supervision in the Inpatient Clinical Learning Environment.

The clinical teacher

Conner SM, Choi N, Fuller J, Daya S, Barish P, Rennke S, Harrison JD, Narayana S

Response to: 'A confidentiality conundrum: Case tracking for medical education'.

Medical teacher

Minter DJ, Frank AK, Pierce L, Schwartz B, Narayana S

Response to: 'Is the practice of case-tracking a substitute for traditional feedback?'

Medical teacher

Minter DJ, Frank AK, Pierce L, Schwartz B, Narayana S

772. Learning from our patients: An exploratory study to inform the development of a case tracking dashboard for subspecialty fellows.

Open forum infectious diseases

Daniel J Minter, Annabel K Frank, Brian S Schwartz, Sirisha Narayana

Trainee Autonomy and Supervision in the Modern Clinical Learning Environment: A Mixed-Methods Study of Faculty and Trainee Perspectives.

Research square

Conner SM, Choi N, Fuller J, Daya S, Barish P, Rennke S, Harrison JD, Narayana S

A clinical reasoning curriculum for medical students: an interim analysis.

Diagnosis (Berlin, Germany)

Connor DM, Narayana S, Dhaliwal G

Revisiting the Role of Health Care Proxies in Reproductive Choice.

Obstetrics and gynecology

Narayana S, Gaw SL, Aldrich JM, Guterman EL

Minding the Gap: Organizational Strategies to Promote Gender Equity in Academic Medicine During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Journal of general internal medicine

Narayana S, Roy B, Merriam S, Yecies E, Lee RS, Mitchell JL, Gottlieb AS

Consensus-based perioperative protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Journal of neurosurgery. Spine

Mummaneni PV, Burke JF, Chan AK, Sosa JA, Lobo EP, Mummaneni VP, Antrum S, Berven SH, Conte MS, Doernberg SB, Goldberg AN, Hess CP, Hetts SW, Josephson SA, Kohi MP, Ma CB, Mahadevan VS, Molinaro AM, Murr AH, Narayana S, Roberts JP, Stoller ML, Theodosopoulos PV, Vail TP, Wienholz S, Gropper MA, Green A, Berger MS

Decisions in the Dark: An Educational Intervention to Promote Reflection and Feedback on Night Float Rotations.

Journal of general internal medicine

Lim H, Raffel KE, Harrison JD, Kohlwes RJ, Dhaliwal G, Narayana S

"SGIM in Alabama: Making Our Mark In Controversy"

Society of General Internal Medicine Forum

Narayana S, Synder E

In the Hospital: Laura Shea.

Journal of hospital medicine

Ludwin S, Narayana S

Development and Implementation of a Patient-Centered Tool for the Assessment of an In-Patient Palliative Care Team (QI739).

Journal of Pain and Symptom Management

Ana Marija Sola, Alejandro Perez, Sirisha Narayana, Teri Rose, David O'Riordan, Giovanni Elia

Denah Joseph: "In the Hospital".

Journal of hospital medicine

Ludwin SM, Narayana S

In the Hospital: Series Introduction.

Journal of hospital medicine

Ludwin SM, Narayana S

What Happened to My Patient? An Educational Intervention to Facilitate Postdischarge Patient Follow-Up.

Journal of graduate medical education

Narayana S, Rajkomar A, Harrison JD, Valencia V, Dhaliwal G, Ranji SR

Bedside Diagnosis of the 'Red Eye': A Systematic Review.

The American journal of medicine

Narayana S, McGee S

Office-based screening of common psychiatric conditions.

The Psychiatric clinics of North America

Narayana S, Wong CJ

Office-based screening of common psychiatric conditions.

The Medical clinics of North America

Narayana S, Wong CJ

Identification of naturally occurring fatty acids of the myelin sheath that resolve neuroinflammation.

Science translational medicine

Ho PP, Kanter JL, Johnson AM, Srinagesh HK, Chang EJ, Purdy TM, van Haren K, Wikoff WR, Kind T, Khademi M, Matloff LY, Narayana S, Hur EM, Lindstrom TM, He Z, Fiehn O, Olsson T, Han X, Han MH, Steinman L, Robinson WH

OR.67. Microarray Identified Lipids Modulate Autoimmune Demyelinating Disease.

Clinical Immunology

Jennifer Kanter, Amanda Johnson, Peggy Ho, Eun Mi Hur, Sirisha Narayana, Lawrence Steinman, William Robinson

Lipid microarrays identify key mediators of autoimmune brain inflammation.

Nature medicine

Kanter JL, Narayana S, Ho PP, Catz I, Warren KG, Sobel RA, Steinman L, Robinson WH