Nerissa Ko, MD, MAS

School of Medicine

Nerissa Ko is a Professor of Neurology and spends her time clinically caring for adult patients in the Neurointensive care unit. Her research focus in on improving outomes among patients who suffer from strokes, specifically after brain aneurysm rupture. After completing her training at UCSF, she remains committed to the education and training of our futureleaders in her role as Fellowship program Director and Vice Chair for Diversity in the Department of Neurology. After attending a CSW-sponsored event focused on work-life balance, she joined CSW to become an active participant in supporting the community of women at UCSF. She remains a strong advocate for gender equity in her leadership role.

Joined UCSF: 1996
Joined CSW: 2013
Committee: Committee on the Status of Women, Faculty Co-Chair


The clinical impact of recent amphetamine exposure in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage patients.

Frontiers in Neurology

Vitt JR, Cheng RC, Chung J, Caton T, Zhou B, Ko N, Meisel K, Amorim E

Addressing the Evidence Gap in Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: The Need for a Pragmatic Randomized Trial Platform.


Kamel H, Suarez JI, Connolly ES, Amin-Hanjani S, Mack WT, Chou SH, Busl KM, Derdeyn CP, Dangayach NS, Elm JE, Beall J, Ko NU

Abstract TP6: Identification of Circulating Epigenetic Biomarkers for Seizure in Brain Arteriovenous Malformation by Methylome Profiling.


Peter Park, Jeffrey Nelson, Christine K Fox, Adam Numis, Nerissa Ko, Ethan Winkler, Charles McCulloch, Helen Kim, Shantel Weinsheimer

2023 Guideline for the Management of Patients With Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Guideline From the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association.


Hoh BL, Ko NU, Amin-Hanjani S, Hsiang-Yi Chou S, Cruz-Flores S, Dangayach NS, Derdeyn CP, Du R, Hänggi D, Hetts SW, Ifejika NL, Johnson R, Keigher KM, Leslie-Mazwi TM, Lucke-Wold B, Rabinstein AA, Robicsek SA, Stapleton CJ, Suarez JI, Tjoumakaris SI, Welch BG

The Clinical Impact of Recent Methamphetamine Exposure in Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Patients.

Research square

Vitt JR, Cheng RC, Chung J, Canton MT, Zhou B, Ko N, Meisel K, Amorim E

Abstract 52: Prevalence Of Somatic Activating Kras Mutations In Pediatric And Adult Sporadic Brain Arteriovenous Malformations.


Ethan A Winkler, Joseph Garcia, Cynthia Tsang, Jeffrey Nelson, Charles McCulloch, Shantel Weinsheimer, Christine K Fox, Heather Fullerton, Nerissa Ko, Hua Su, Tomasz Nowakowski, Daniel L Cooke, Steven Hetts, Ekin Guney, MELIKE PEKMEZCI, Tarik Tihan, Michael Lawton, Adib Abla, Nalin Gupta, Helen Kim

Intracranial Hemorrhage Rate and Lesion Burden in Patients With Familial Cerebral Cavernous Malformation.

Journal of the American Heart Association

Weinsheimer S, Nelson J, Abla AA, Ko NU, Tsang C, Okoye O, Zabramski JM, Akers A, Zafar A, Mabray MC, Hart BL, Morrison L, McCulloch CE, Kim H, Brain Vascular Malformation Consortium Cerebral Cavernous Malformation Investigator Group *

Intracranial Aneurysm Classifier Using Phenotypic Factors: An International Pooled Analysis.

Journal of personalized medicine

Morel S, Hostettler IC, Spinner GR, Bourcier R, Pera J, Meling TR, Alg VS, Houlden H, Bakker MK, Van't Hof F, Rinkel GJE, Foroud T, Lai D, Moomaw CJ, Worrall BB, Caroff J, Constant-Dits-Beaufils P, Karakachoff M, Rimbert A, Rouchaud A, Gaal-Paavola EI, Kaukovalta H, Kivisaari R, Laakso A, Jahromi BR, Tulamo R, Friedrich CM, Dauvillier J, Hirsch S, Isidor N, Kulcs?r Z, L?vblad KO, Martin O, Machi P, Mendes Pereira V, R?fenacht D, Schaller K, Schilling S, Slowik A, Jaaskelainen JE, von Und Zu Fraunberg M, Jim?nez-Conde J, Cuadrado-Godia E, Soriano-T?rraga C, Millwood IY, Walters RG, Kim H, Redon R, Ko NU, Rouleau GA, Lindgren A, Niemel? M, Desal H, Woo D, Broderick JP, Werring DJ, Ruigrok YM, Bijlenga P

Endovascular Biopsy for Detection of Somatic Mosaicism in Human Fusiform Cerebral Aneurysms.

Stroke Vascular and Interventional Neurology

Joseph H. Garcia, Ethan A. Winkler, Kerstin Müller, Evan Kao, Kazim Narsinh, Nerissa Ko, Patricia Cornett, Adib A. Abla, Joseph T. Shieh, Daniel L. Cooke

Geometric and Morphologic Features of Ruptured Intracranial Aneurysms Associated with Methamphetamine Use.

World neurosurgery

Caton MT, Vitt J, Smith ER, Cooke D, Meisel K, Ko N, Amorim E

Endovascular Therapy for Intracranial Giant Cell Arteritis : Systematic Review, Technical Considerations and the Effect of Intra-arterial Calcium Channel Blockers.

Clinical neuroradiology

Caton MT, Mark IT, Narsinh KH, Baker A, Cooke DL, Hetts SW, Dowd CF, Halbach VV, Higashida RT, Ko NU, Chung SA, Amans MR

Maximizing Brain Health After Hemorrhagic Stroke: Bugher Foundation Centers of Excellence.


Sheth KN, Anderson CD, Biffi A, Dlamini N, Falcone GJ, Fox CK, Fullerton HJ, Greenberg SM, Hemphill JC, Kim A, Kim H, Ko NU, Roland JL, Sansing LH, van Veluw SJ, Rosand J

Proceedings of the First Curing Coma Campaign NIH Symposium: Challenging the Future of Research for Coma and Disorders of Consciousness.

Neurocritical care

Claassen J, Akbari Y, Alexander S, Bader MK, Bell K, Bleck TP, Boly M, Brown J, Chou SH, Diringer MN, Edlow BL, Foreman B, Giacino JT, Gosseries O, Green T, Greer DM, Hanley DF, Hartings JA, Helbok R, Hemphill JC, Hinson HE, Hirsch K, Human T, James ML, Ko N, Kondziella D, Livesay S, Madden LK, Mainali S, Mayer SA, McCredie V, McNett MM, Meyfroidt G, Monti MM, Muehlschlegel S, Murthy S, Nyquist P, Olson DM, Provencio JJ, Rosenthal E, Sampaio Silva G, Sarasso S, Schiff ND, Sharshar T, Shutter L, Stevens RD, Vespa P, Videtta W, Wagner A, Ziai W, Whyte J, Zink E, Suarez JI, Curing Coma Campaign

Somatic mosaicism in the MAPK pathway in sporadic brain arteriovenous malformation and association with phenotype.

Journal of neurosurgery

Gao S, Nelson J, Weinsheimer S, Winkler EA, Rutledge C, Abla AA, Gupta N, Shieh JT, Cooke DL, Hetts SW, Tihan T, Hess CP, Ko N, Walcott BP, McCulloch CE, Lawton MT, Su H, Pawlikowska L, Kim H

Proof-of-concept single-arm trial of bevacizumab therapy for brain arteriovenous malformation.

BMJ neurology open

Muster R, Ko N, Smith W, Su H, Dickey MA, Nelson J, McCulloch CE, Sneed PK, Clarke JL, Saloner DA, Eisenmenger L, Kim H, Cooke DL

Abstract P42: Genetic Variants Associated With Vasospasm Following Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage.


Shantel M Weinsheimer, Matthew D Alexander, Jeffrey Nelson, Daniel L Cooke, Steven W Hetts, Charles E McCulloch, Helen Kim, Nerissa U Ko

Maternal and Fetal Outcomes in Women with Brain Arteriovenous Malformation Rupture during Pregnancy.

Cerebrovascular diseases (Basel, Switzerland)

Yan KL, Ko NU, Hetts SW, Weinsheimer S, Abla AA, Lawton MT, Kim H

Author Correction: Genome-wide association study of intracranial aneurysms identifies 17 risk loci and genetic overlap with clinical risk factors.

Nature genetics

Bakker MK, van der Spek RAA, van Rheenen W, Morel S, Bourcier R, Hostettler IC, Alg VS, van Eijk KR, Koido M, Akiyama M, Terao C, Matsuda K, Walters RG, Lin K, Li L, Millwood IY, Chen Z, Rouleau GA, Zhou S, Rannikmäe K, Sudlow CLM, Houlden H, van den Berg LH, Dina C, Naggara O, Gentric JC, Shotar E, Eugène F, Desal H, Winsvold BS, Børte S, Johnsen MB, Brumpton BM, Sandvei MS, Willer CJ, Hveem K, Zwart JA, Verschuren WMM, Friedrich CM, Hirsch S, Schilling S, Dauvillier J, Martin O, Jones GT, Bown MJ, Ko NU, Kim H, Coleman JRI, Breen G, Zaroff JG, Klijn CJM, Malik R, Dichgans M, Sargurupremraj M, Tatlisumak T, Amouyel P, Debette S, Rinkel GJE, Worrall BB, Pera J, Slowik A, Gaál-Paavola EI, Niemelä M, Jääskeläinen JE, von Und Zu Fraunberg M, Lindgren A, Broderick JP, Werring DJ, Woo D, Redon R, Bijlenga P, Kamatani Y, Veldink JH, Ruigrok YM

NEWTON-2 Cisternal (Nimodipine Microparticles to Enhance Recovery While Reducing Toxicity After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage): A Phase 2, Multicenter, Randomized, Open-Label Safety Study of Intracisternal EG-1962 in Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage.


Macdonald RL, Hänggi D, Ko NU, Darsaut TE, Carlson AP, Wong GK, Etminan N, Mayer SA, Aldrich EF, Diringer MN, Ng D, Strange P, Bleck T, Grubb R, Suarez JI

Genome-wide association study of intracranial aneurysms identifies 17 risk loci and genetic overlap with clinical risk factors.

Nature genetics

Bakker MK, van der Spek RAA, van Rheenen W, Morel S, Bourcier R, Hostettler IC, Alg VS, van Eijk KR, Koido M, Akiyama M, Terao C, Matsuda K, Walters RG, Lin K, Li L, Millwood IY, Chen Z, Rouleau GA, Zhou S, Rannikmäe K, Sudlow CLM, Houlden H, van den Berg LH, Dina C, Naggara O, Gentric JC, Shotar E, Eugène F, Desal H, Winsvold BS, Børte S, Johnsen MB, Brumpton BM, Sandvei MS, Willer CJ, Hveem K, Zwart JA, Verschuren WMM, Friedrich CM, Hirsch S, Schilling S, Dauvillier J, Martin O, Jones GT, Bown MJ, Ko NU, Kim H, Coleman JRI, Breen G, Zaroff JG, Klijn CJM, Malik R, Dichgans M, Sargurupremraj M, Tatlisumak T, Amouyel P, Debette S, Rinkel GJE, Worrall BB, Pera J, Slowik A, Gaál-Paavola EI, Niemelä M, Jääskeläinen JE, von Und Zu Fraunberg M, Lindgren A, Broderick JP, Werring DJ, Woo D, Redon R, Bijlenga P, Kamatani Y, Veldink JH, Ruigrok YM

mRNA Expression Profiles from Whole Blood Associated with Vasospasm in Patients with Subarachnoid Hemorrhage.

Neurocritical care

Xu H, Stamova B, Ander BP, Waldau B, Jickling GC, Sharp FR, Ko NU

Intracranial Pressure Monitoring via External Ventricular Drain: Are We Waiting Long Enough Before Recording the Real Value?

The Journal of neuroscience nursing : journal of the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses

Liu X, Griffith M, Jang HJ, Ko N, Pelter MM, Abba J, Vuong M, Tran N, Bushman K, Hu X

The Future of Neurocritical Care Research: Proceedings and Recommendations from the Fifth Neurocritical Care Research Network Conference.

Neurocritical care

Hocker S, Shah S, Vespa P, Provencio JJ, Calvillo E, Olson DM, Venkatasubba Rao CP, Hemphill JC, Helbok R, Human T, Kamel H, Madden LK, Nyquist P, Bentho O, O'Phelan K, Lewin JJ, Alexander S, Ziai W, Chou SH, Rincon F, McNett M, Ko N, Zink B, Rhoney D, Diringer MN, Stevens R, Robertson CS, Sampaio G, Shutter LA, Ling G, Rehman M, Mahmoud SH, Yeager S, Livesay S, Suarez JI

Morphological changes of intracranial pressure quantifies vasodilatory effect of verapamil to treat cerebral vasospasm.

Journal of neurointerventional surgery

Liu X, Vitt JR, Hetts SW, Gudelunas K, Ho N, Ko N, Hu X

Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Risk Assessment and Perioperative Complications.

Essentials of Neurosurgical Anesthesia \u0026 Critical Care

Chanhung Z. Lee, Pekka Talke, Nerissa U. Ko

Standards for Studies of Neurological Prognostication in Comatose Survivors of Cardiac Arrest: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association.


Geocadin RG, Callaway CW, Fink EL, Golan E, Greer DM, Ko NU, Lang E, Licht DJ, Marino BS, McNair ND, Peberdy MA, Perman SM, Sims DB, Soar J, Sandroni C

Abstract 46: RNA Expression Profiles From Whole Blood Associated With Vasospasm in Patients With Subarachnoid Hemorrhage.


Frank R Sharp, Huichun Xu, Bradley P Ander, Boryana Stamova, Ben Waldau, Glen C Jickling, Nerissa Ko

Abstract TP581: Maternal and Fetal Outcomes in Women With Brain Arteriovenous Malformation Rupture During Pregnancy.


Kimberly Yan, Nerissa U Ko, Steven Hetts, Adib A Abla, Michael T Lawton, Helen Kim

Continuous monitoring of cerebrovascular reactivity through pulse transit time and intracranial pressure.

Physiological measurement

Liu X, Gadhoumi K, Xiao R, Tran N, Smielewski P, Czosnyka M, Hetts SW, Ko N, Hu X

Abstract WP426: Does Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Brain Arteriovenous Malformation Share Genetic Risk Factors With Primary Intracerebral Hemorrhage?.


Jeffrey Nelson, Nasrine Bendjilali, Shantel M Weinsheimer, Charles E McCulloch, Nerissa U Ko, Jonathan G Zaroff, Michael T Lawton, Ludmila Pawlikowska, Helen Kim

Numerical Investigation of Vasospasm Detection by Extracranial Blood Velocity Ratios.

Cerebrovascular diseases (Basel, Switzerland)

Ryu J, Ko N, Hu X, Shadden SC

Abstract TP445: Bevacizumab Therapy for Brain Arteriovenous Malformations.


Daniel L Cooke, Helen Kim, Wade Smith, Michael Lawton, Jennifer Clarke, David Saloner, Nerissa Ko, Patricia Sneed, Charles McCulloch, Hua Su

Characterization of Shape Differences Among ICP Pulses Predicts Outcome of External Ventricular Drainage Weaning Trial.

Neurocritical care

Arroyo-Palacios J, Rudz M, Fidler R, Smith W, Ko N, Park S, Bai Y, Hu X

Shared Genetic Risk Factors of Intracranial, Abdominal, and Thoracic Aneurysms.

Journal of the American Heart Association

van 't Hof FN, Ruigrok YM, Lee CH, Ripke S, Anderson G, de Andrade M, Baas AF, Blankensteijn JD, Böttinger EP, Bown MJ, Broderick J, Bijlenga P, Carrell DS, Crawford DC, Crosslin DR, Ebeling C, Eriksson JG, Fornage M, Foroud T, von Und Zu Fraunberg M, Friedrich CM, Gaál EI, Gottesman O, Guo DC, Harrison SC, Hernesniemi J, Hofman A, Inoue I, Jääskeläinen JE, Jones GT, Kiemeney LA, Kivisaari R, Ko N, Koskinen S, Kubo M, Kullo IJ, Kuivaniemi H, Kurki MI, Laakso A, Lai D, Leal SM, Lehto H, LeMaire SA, Low SK, Malinowski J, McCarty CA, Milewicz DM, Mosley TH, Nakamura Y, Nakaoka H, Niemelä M, Pacheco J, Peissig PL, Pera J, Rasmussen-Torvik L, Ritchie MD, Rivadeneira F, van Rij AM, Santos-Cortez RL, Saratzis A, Slowik A, Takahashi A, Tromp G, Uitterlinden AG, Verma SS, Vermeulen SH, Wang GT, Han B, Rinkel GJ, de Bakker PI

Continuous Qualitative Electroencephalography as a Noninvasive Neuromonitor.

The Neurohospitalist

Threlkeld ZD, Kottapally M, Aysenne A, Ko N

High resolution imaging of the intracranial vessel wall at 3 and 7 T using 3D fast spin echo MRI.

Magma (New York, N.Y.)

Zhu C, Haraldsson H, Tian B, Meisel K, Ko N, Lawton M, Grinstead J, Ahn S, Laub G, Hess C, Saloner D

Frequency and Risk Factors for Cerebral Arterial Disease in a HIV/AIDS Neuroimaging Cohort.

Cerebrovascular diseases (Basel, Switzerland)

Edwards NJ, Grill MF, Choi HA, Ko NU

Cerebral vasoreactivity is impaired in treated, virally suppressed HIV-infected individuals.

AIDS (London, England)

Chow FC, Boscardin WJ, Mills C, Ko N, Carroll C, Price RW, Deeks S, Sorond FA, Hsue PY

Morphological changes in ICP pulse waveform as potential markers for early determination of external ventricular drain clamping trial outcome.

Fluids and Barriers of the CNS

Jorge Arroyo Palacios, Maryna Rudz, Richard Fidler, Wade Smith, Nerissa Ko, Marvin Bergsneider, Xiao Hu

Imaging of intracranial hemorrhage: Subarachnoid hemorrhage and its sequelae.

Applied Radiology

Matthew D. Alexander, Nerissa U. Ko, Steven W. Hetts

Lessons learned from whole exome sequencing in multiplex families affected by a complex genetic disorder, intracranial aneurysm.

PloS one

Farlow JL, Lin H, Sauerbeck L, Lai D, Koller DL, Pugh E, Hetrick K, Ling H, Kleinloog R, van der Vlies P, Deelen P, Swertz MA, Verweij BH, Regli L, Rinkel GJ, Ruigrok YM, Doheny K, Liu Y, Broderick J, Foroud T

Extent of collateralization predicting symptomatic cerebral vasospasm among pediatric patients: correlations among angiography, transcranial Doppler ultrasonography, and clinical findings.

Journal of neurosurgery. Pediatrics

Moftakhar P, Cooke DL, Fullerton HJ, Ko NU, Amans MR, Narvid JA, Dowd CF, Higashida RT, Halbach VV, Hetts SW

Spontaneous echo-contrast in the internal jugular veins of patients with ischemic stroke.

Journal of clinical ultrasound : JCU

Choi JC, Oh YH, Kim JG, Kim HJ, Kong MH, Paeng DG, Ko NU, Easton JD

Genome-wide association study of intracranial aneurysm identifies a new association on chromosome 7.


Foroud T, Lai D, Koller D, Van't Hof F, Kurki MI, Anderson CS, Brown RD, Connolly ES, Eriksson JG, Flaherty M, Fornage M, von Und Zu Fraunberg M, Gaál EI, Laakso A, Hernesniemi J, Huston J, Jääskeläinen JE, Kiemeney LA, Kivisaari R, Kleindorfer D, Ko N, Lehto H, Mackey J, Meissner I, Moomaw CJ, Mosley TH, Moskala M, Niemelä M, Palotie A, Pera J, Rinkel G, Ripke S, Rouleau G, Ruigrok Y, Sauerbeck L, Slowik A, Vermeulen SH, Woo D, Worrall BB, Broderick J

Hemorrhage rates and risk factors in the natural history course of brain arteriovenous malformations.

Translational stroke research

Rutledge WC, Ko NU, Lawton MT, Kim H

Abstract T P356: Predictors of Depression 6 Months After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage.


Keiko A Fukuda, Randall T Higashida, Michael T Lawton, Wade S Smith, Nerissa U Ko

Chapter 10 Cardiac Manifestations of Acute Neurologic Lesions.

Aminoff\u0027s Neurology and General Medicine

Nerissa U. Ko

Multi-wavelength spectrophotometric analysis for detection of xanthochromia in cerebrospinal fluid and accuracy for the diagnosis of subarachnoid hemorrhage.

Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry

Smith A, Wu AH, Lynch KL, Ko N, Grenache DG

Increase in Quantitative CBF with Intra-Arterial Verapamil Treatment for Refractory Vasospasm after SAH (P04.084).


Keiko Fukuda, Randall Higashida, Michael Lawton, Wade Smith, William Young, Walter Obrist, Nerissa Ko

Vascular myelopathies.

Seminars in neurology

Moftakhar P, Hetts SW, Ko NU

Genome-wide association study of intracranial aneurysms confirms role of Anril and SOX17 in disease risk.


Foroud T, Koller DL, Lai D, Sauerbeck L, Anderson C, Ko N, Deka R, Mosley TH, Fornage M, Woo D, Moomaw CJ, Hornung R, Huston J, Meissner I, Bailey-Wilson JE, Langefeld C, Rouleau G, Connolly ES, Worrall BB, Kleindorfer D, Flaherty ML, Martini S, Mackey J, De Los Rios La Rosa F, Brown RD, Broderick JP

Perfusion-CT assessment of blood-brain barrier permeability in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage.

Journal of neuroradiology = Journal de neuroradiologie

Kishore S, Ko N, Soares BP, Higashida RT, Tong E, Bhogal S, Bredno J, Cheng SC, Wintermark M

Gene expression profiling of blood in brain arteriovenous malformation patients.

Translational stroke research

Weinsheimer SM, Xu H, Achrol AS, Stamova B, McCulloch CE, Pawlikowska L, Tian Y, Ko NU, Lawton MT, Steinberg GK, Chang SD, Jickling G, Ander BP, Kim H, Sharp FR, Young WL

Elevated BNP is associated with vasospasm-independent cerebral infarction following aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage.

Neurocritical care

Taub PR, Fields JD, Wu AH, Miss JC, Lawton MT, Smith WS, Young WL, Zaroff JG, Ko NU

A 41-year-old man with new headache and altered mental status.

The Neurohospitalist

Johnson EC, West TW, Ko NU, Strober JB

Endovascular treatment of medically refractory cerebral vasospasm following aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage.

AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology

Jun P, Ko NU, English JD, Dowd CF, Halbach VV, Higashida RT, Lawton MT, Hetts SW

E-056 Endovascular treatment of medically refractory cerebral vasospasm following aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage.

Journal of neurointerventional surgery

S Hetts, P Jun, N Ko, J English, C Dowd, R Higashida, V Halbach

Ten-year detection rate of brain arteriovenous malformations in a large, multiethnic, defined population.


Gabriel RA, Kim H, Sidney S, McCulloch CE, Singh V, Johnston SC, Ko NU, Achrol AS, Zaroff JG, Young WL

Common variants in interleukin-1-Beta gene are associated with intracranial hemorrhage and susceptibility to brain arteriovenous malformation.

Cerebrovascular diseases (Basel, Switzerland)

Kim H, Hysi PG, Pawlikowska L, Poon A, Burchard EG, Zaroff JG, Sidney S, Ko NU, Achrol AS, Lawton MT, McCulloch CE, Kwok PY, Young WL

Visual grading system for vasospasm based on perfusion CT imaging: comparisons with conventional angiography and quantitative perfusion CT.

Cerebrovascular diseases (Basel, Switzerland)

Wintermark M, Dillon WP, Smith WS, Lau BC, Chaudhary S, Liu S, Yu M, Fitch M, Chien JD, Higashida RT, Ko NU

Endothelial nitric oxide synthase polymorphism (-786T->C) and increased risk of angiographic vasospasm after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage.


Ko NU, Rajendran P, Kim H, Rutkowski M, Pawlikowska L, Kwok PY, Higashida RT, Lawton MT, Smith WS, Zaroff JG, Young WL

Chapter 10 Cardiac Manifestations of Acute Neurological Lesions.

Neurology and General Medicine

Nerissa U. Ko, Jonathan G. Zaroff

Prospective evaluation of multidetector-row CT angiography for the diagnosis of vasospasm following subarachnoid hemorrhage: a comparison with digital subtraction angiography.

Cerebrovascular diseases (Basel, Switzerland)

Chaudhary SR, Ko N, Dillon WP, Yu MB, Liu S, Criqui GI, Higashida RT, Smith WS, Wintermark M

Association of tumor necrosis factor-alpha-238G>A and apolipoprotein E2 polymorphisms with intracranial hemorrhage after brain arteriovenous malformation treatment.


Achrol AS, Kim H, Pawlikowska L, Trudy Poon KY, McCulloch CE, Ko NU, Johnston SC, McDermott MW, Zaroff JG, Lawton MT, Kwok PY, Young WL

Racial/Ethnic differences in longitudinal risk of intracranial hemorrhage in brain arteriovenous malformation patients.


Kim H, Sidney S, McCulloch CE, Poon KY, Singh V, Johnston SC, Ko NU, Achrol AS, Lawton MT, Higashida RT, Young WL

Estimation of fusiform intracranial aneurysm growth by serial magnetic resonance imaging.

Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI

Dispensa BP, Saloner DA, Acevedo-Bolton G, Achrol AS, Jou LD, McCulloch CE, Johnston SC, Higashida RT, Dowd CF, Halbach VV, Ko NU, Lawton MT, Martin AJ, Quinnine N, Young WL

Adrenoceptor polymorphisms and the risk of cardiac injury and dysfunction after subarachnoid hemorrhage.


Zaroff JG, Pawlikowska L, Miss JC, Yarlagadda S, Ha C, Achrol A, Kwok PY, McCulloch CE, Lawton MT, Ko N, Smith W, Young WL

Apolipoprotein E epsilon 2 is associated with new hemorrhage risk in brain arteriovenous malformations.


Pawlikowska L, Poon KY, Achrol AS, McCulloch CE, Ha C, Lum K, Zaroff JG, Ko NU, Johnston SC, Sidney S, Marchuk DA, Lawton MT, Kwok PY, Young WL

Cardiovascular predictors of in-patient mortality after subarachnoid hemorrhage.

Neurocritical care

Yarlagadda S, Rajendran P, Miss JC, Banki NM, Kopelnik A, Wu AH, Ko N, Gelb AW, Lawton MT, Smith WS, Young WL, Zaroff JG

Hypernatremia predicts adverse cardiovascular and neurological outcomes after SAH.

Neurocritical care

Fisher LA, Ko N, Miss J, Tung PP, Kopelnik A, Banki NM, Gardner D, Smith WS, Lawton MT, Zaroff JG

Predictors of left ventricular regional wall motion abnormalities after subarachnoid hemorrhage.

Neurocritical care

Kothavale A, Banki NM, Kopelnik A, Yarlagadda S, Lawton MT, Ko N, Smith WS, Drew B, Foster E, Zaroff JG

Vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage: utility of perfusion CT and CT angiography on diagnosis and management.

AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology

Wintermark M, Ko NU, Smith WS, Liu S, Higashida RT, Dillon WP

Plasma B-type natriuretic peptide levels are associated with early cardiac dysfunction after subarachnoid hemorrhage.


Tung PP, Olmsted E, Kopelnik A, Banki NM, Drew BJ, Ko N, Lawton MT, Smith W, Foster E, Young WL, Zaroff JG

Long-term outcome of endovascular stenting for symptomatic basilar artery stenosis.


Yu W, Smith WS, Singh V, Ko NU, Cullen SP, Dowd CF, Halbach VV, Higashida RT

Cerebral blood flow changes after endovascular treatment of cerebrovascular stenoses.

AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology

Ko NU, Achrol AS, Chopra M, Saha M, Gupta D, Smith WS, Higashida RT, Young WL

Magnetic resonance perfusion tracks 133Xe cerebral blood flow changes after carotid stenting.


Ko NU, Achrol AS, Martin AJ, Chopra M, Saloner DA, Higashida RT, Young WL

Accuracy of dynamic perfusion CT with deconvolution in detecting acute hemispheric stroke.

AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology

Wintermark M, Fischbein NJ, Smith WS, Ko NU, Quist M, Dillon WP

Prevalence and implications of diastolic dysfunction after subarachnoid hemorrhage.

Neurocritical care

Kopelnik A, Fisher L, Miss JC, Banki N, Tung P, Lawton MT, Ko N, Smith WS, Drew B, Foster E, Zaroff J

Neurotoxicity of intra-arterial papaverine preserved with chlorobutanol used for the treatment of cerebral vasospasm after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage.


Smith WS, Dowd CF, Johnston SC, Ko NU, DeArmond SJ, Dillon WP, Setty D, Lawton MT, Young WL, Higashida RT, Halbach VV

Dynamic perfusion CT: optimizing the temporal resolution and contrast volume for calculation of perfusion CT parameters in stroke patients.

AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology

Wintermark M, Smith WS, Ko NU, Quist M, Schnyder P, Dillon WP

Predictors of neurocardiogenic injury after subarachnoid hemorrhage.


Tung P, Kopelnik A, Banki N, Ong K, Ko N, Lawton MT, Gress D, Drew B, Foster E, Parmley W, Zaroff J

Brain Trauma, Overview.

Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences

Nerissa U. Ko, J. Claude Hemphill

Distinguishing intracerebral hemorrhages caused by arteriovenous malformations.

Cerebrovascular diseases (Basel, Switzerland)

Ko NU, Johnston SC, Young WL, Singh V, Klatsky AL

The severity of brain injury and female gender predict myocardial necrosis after subarachnoid hemorrhage.

Journal of the American College of Cardiology

Povee P. Tung, Alexander Kopelnik, Nader M. Banki, Kenneth C. Ong, Nerissa U. Ko, Michael T. Lawton, Daryl R. Gress, Barbara Drew, Elyse Foster, William W. Parmley, Jonathan G. Zaroff

Potent in vivo antimalarial activity of 3,15-di-O-acetylbruceolide against Plasmodium berghei infection in mice.

Parasitology international

Kim HS, Shibata Y, Ko N, Ikemoto N, Ishizuka Y, Murakami N, Sugimoto M, Kobayashi M, Wataya Y

Spontaneous intracranial hypotension resulting in stupor caused by diencephalic compression.


Pleasure SJ, Abosch A, Friedman J, Ko NU, Barbaro N, Dillon W, Fishman RA, Poncelet AN