Elizabeth Ozer, PhD
Elizabeth Ozer is Professor of Pediatrics and Director of Research & the Faculty Equity Advisor Program for the Office of Diversity and Outreach. She is a psychologist whose research has focused primarily on the health of adolescents and young adults, women and families. She has served as Principal Investigator of numerous federally funded grants focused on decreasing adolescent risky behavior through improving the care provided by the health care system and the primary care provider, and has more recently focused on ways that technology can be incorporated into successful models of preventive care. She is the PI on a UC Office of the President-funded initiative to advance faculty diversity in Departmental leadership positions and has served as investigator on two NIH grants to enhance the training of women and underrepresented minorities within the health sciences workforce. She is past Faculty Co-Chair of the UCSF Committee on the Status of Women, current Chair of the UC Systemwide Committee on the Status of Women, and the recipient of the 2013 Chancellors Award for Advancing Women at UCSF.
Joined UCSF: 1994
Joined CACSW: 2007
Committee: Past Faculty Co-Chair, CACSW; Current Chair, UC Systemwide Committee on the Status of Women