Elizabeth Ozer, PhD

Professor in Residence

Elizabeth Ozer is Professor of Pediatrics and Director of Research & the Faculty Equity Advisor Program for the Office of Diversity and Outreach.  She is a psychologist whose research has focused primarily on the health of adolescents and young adults, women and families. She has served as Principal Investigator of numerous federally funded grants focused on decreasing adolescent risky behavior through improving the care provided by the health care system and the primary care provider, and has more recently focused on ways that technology can be incorporated into successful models of preventive care.  She is the PI on a UC Office of the President-funded initiative to advance faculty diversity in Departmental leadership positions and has served as investigator on two NIH grants to enhance the training of women and underrepresented minorities within the health sciences workforce. She is past Faculty Co-Chair of the UCSF Committee on the Status of Women, current Chair of the UC Systemwide Committee on the Status of Women, and the recipient of the 2013 Chancellors Award for Advancing Women at UCSF.


Joined UCSF: 1994

Joined CACSW: 2007

Committee: Past Faculty Co-Chair, CACSW; Current Chair, UC Systemwide Committee on the Status of Women


A Reading Program for Adolescents in a Primary Care Clinic.


Sinha A, Ozer E, Buckelew S

Engagement of adolescents with ADHD in a narrative-centered game-based behavior change environment to reduce alcohol use.

Frontiers in education

Pugatch M, Blum NJ, Barbaresi WJ, Rowe J, Berna M, Hennigan S, Giovanelli A, Penilla C, Tebb KP, Mott M, Kumaran V, Buckelew S, Lester JC, Ozer E

Supporting Adolescent Engagement with Artificial Intelligence-Driven Digital Health Behavior Change Interventions.

Journal of medical Internet research

Giovanelli A, Rowe J, Taylor M, Berna M, Tebb KP, Penilla C, Pugatch M, Lester J, Ozer EM

Albert Bandura (1925-2021).

The American psychologist

Ozer EM

Adolescent Technology-use Rules and Sleep in a Large Representative Sample.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Giovanelli A, Ozer EJ, Adams SH, Park MJ, Ozer EM

"What's Important to You, Max?": The Influence of Goals on Engagement in an Interactive Narrative for Adolescent Health Behavior Change.

Interactive storytelling : 14th International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, ICIDS 2021, Tallinn, Estonia, December 7-10, 2021, Proceedings. Joint International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (14th : 202...

Mott M, Mott B, Rowe J, Ozer E, Giovanelli A, Berna M, Pugatch M, Tebb K, Penilla C, Lester J

Leveraging Game-Based Learning Technologies to Introduce Adolescents to Health Science Careers During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Journal of STEM outreach

Spain R, Penilla C, Ozer E, Taylor R, Ringstaff C, Lester J

Delivering Anticipatory Guidance About Technology Use to Adolescents in Primary Care: Rates in a Representative California Sample.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Giovanelli A, Adams SH, Jane Park M, Ozer EM

Evaluating the sustainability of a cancer screening intervention through a PRISM: The PreView experience.

Preventive medicine reports

Walsh J, Potter M, Ozer E, Gildengorin G, Dass N, Green L

Using Standardized Patients to Augment Communication Skills and Self-Efficacy in Caring for Transgender Youth.

Academic pediatrics

Vance SR, Dentoni-Lasofsky B, Ozer E, Deutsch MB, Meyers MJ, Buckelew SM

Improving Contraceptive Use Among Latina Adolescents: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial Evaluating an mHealth Application, Health-E You/Salud iTu.


Tebb KP, Rodriguez F, Pollack LM, Adams S, Rico R, Renteria R, Trieu SL, Hwang L, Brindis CD, Ozer E, Puffer M

Digital Health Technology to Enhance Adolescent and Young Adult Clinical Preventive Services: Affordances and Challenges.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Wong CA, Madanay F, Ozer EM, Harris SK, Moore M, Master SO, Moreno M, Weitzman ER

Fostering Engagement in Health Behavior Change: Iterative Development of an Interactive Narrative Environment to Enhance Adolescent Preventive Health Services.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Ozer EM, Rowe J, Tebb KP, Berna M, Penilla C, Giovanelli A, Jasik C, Lester JC

Innovative Digital Technologies to Improve Adolescent and Young Adult Health.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Ozer EM, Lester JC

Leveraging Technology to Improve Health in Adolescence: A Developmental Science Perspective.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Giovanelli A, Ozer EM, Dahl RE

A Pediatric Transgender Medicine Curriculum for Multidisciplinary Trainees.

MedEdPORTAL : the journal of teaching and learning resources

Vance SR, Buckelew SM, Dentoni-Lasofsky B, Ozer E, Deutsch MB, Meyers M

PreView: a Randomized Trial of a Multi-site Intervention in Diverse Primary Care to Increase Rates of Age-Appropriate Cancer Screening.

Journal of general internal medicine

Walsh J, Potter M, Salazar R, Ozer E, Gildengorin G, Dass N, Green L

Experiences With Querying Gender Identity Across Seven Adolescent Medicine Sites.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Guss CE, Inwards-Breland DJ, Ozer E, Vance SR

Teaching paediatric transgender care.

The clinical teacher

Vance SR, Lasofsky B, Ozer E, Buckelew SM

Research on Clinical Preventive Services for Adolescents and Young Adults: Where Are We and Where Do We Need to Go?

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Harris SK, Aalsma MC, Weitzman ER, Garcia-Huidobro D, Wong C, Hadland SE, Santelli J, Park MJ, Ozer EM

Teen Preferences for Clinic-Based Behavior Screens: Who, Where, When, and How?

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Jasik CB, Berna M, Martin M, Ozer EM

Dream Teens: Adolescents-Led Participatory Project in Portugal in the Context of the Economic Recession.

Health promotion practice

Frasquilho D, Ozer EJ, Ozer EM, Branquinho C, Camacho I, Reis M, Tomé G, Santos T, Gomes P, Cruz J, Ramiro L, Gaspar T, Simões C, Piatt AA, Holsen I, Gaspar de Matos M

Responding to Young People's Health Risks in Primary Care: A Cluster Randomised Trial of Training Clinicians in Screening and Motivational Interviewing.

PloS one

Sanci L, Chondros P, Sawyer S, Pirkis J, Ozer E, Hegarty K, Yang F, Grabsch B, Shiell A, Cahill H, Ambresin AE, Patterson E, Patton G

Implementing a brief evidence-based HIV intervention: a mixed methods examination of compliance fidelity.

Translational behavioral medicine

Dolcini MM, Catania JA, Gandelman A, Ozer EM

Functions of non-suicidal self-injury in adolescents and young adults with Borderline Personality Disorder symptoms.

Psychiatry research

Sadeh N, Londahl-Shaller EA, Piatigorsky A, Fordwood S, Stuart BK, McNiel DE, Klonsky ED, Ozer EM, Yaeger AM

Seizing the opportunity: improving young adult preventive health care.

Adolescent medicine: state of the art reviews

Ozer EM, Scott JT, Brindis CD

Receipt of preventive health services in young adults.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Lau JS, Adams SH, Irwin CE, Ozer EM

Adolescence and the social determinants of health.

Lancet (London, England)

Viner RM, Ozer EM, Denny S, Marmot M, Resnick M, Fatusi A, Currie C

Young adult preventive health care guidelines: there but can't be found.

Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine

Ozer EM, Urquhart JT, Brindis CD, Park MJ, Irwin CE

The association of BMI status with adolescent preventive screening.


Jasik CB, Adams SH, Irwin CE, Ozer E

Does delivering preventive services in primary care reduce adolescent risky behavior?

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Ozer EM, Adams SH, Orrell-Valente JK, Wibbelsman CJ, Lustig JL, Millstein SG, Garber AK, Irwin CE

Are adolescents being screened for emotional distress in primary care?

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Ozer EM, Zahnd EG, Adams SH, Husting SR, Wibbelsman CJ, Norman KP, Smiga SM

Adolescent preventive services: rates and disparities in preventive health topics covered during routine medical care in a California sample.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Adams SH, Husting S, Zahnd E, Ozer EM

Increasing clinician self-efficacy for screening and counseling adolescents for risky health behaviors: results of an intervention.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Buckelew SM, Adams SH, Irwin CE, Gee S, Ozer EM

The adolescent primary care visit: time to build on strengths.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Ozer EM

Increasing the screening and counseling of adolescents for risky health behaviors: a primary care intervention.


Ozer EM, Adams SH, Lustig JL, Gee S, Garber AK, Gardner LR, Rehbein M, Addison L, Irwin CE

Provider self-efficacy and the screening of adolescents for risky health behaviors.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Ozer EM, Adams SH, Gardner LR, Mailloux DE, Wibbelsman CJ, Irwin CE

Can it be done? Implementing adolescent clinical preventive services.

Health services research

Ozer EM, Adams SH, Lustig JL, Millstein SG, Camfield K, El-Diwany S, Volpe S, Irwin CE

Improving the delivery of adolescent clinical preventive services through skills-based training.


Lustig JL, Ozer EM, Adams SH, Wibbelsman CJ, Fuster CD, Bonar RW, Irwin CE

Preventive services in a health maintenance organization: how well do pediatricians screen and educate adolescent patients?

Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine

Halpern-Felsher BL, Ozer EM, Millstein SG, Wibbelsman CJ, Fuster CD, Elster AB, Irwin CE

Does child care involvement increase or decrease distress among dual-earner couples?

Women's health (Hillsdale, N.J.)

Ozer EM, Barnett RC, Brennan RT, Sperling J

Women and health: in search of a paradigm.

Women's health (Hillsdale, N.J.)

Chesney MA, Ozer EM

Women's health: In search of a paradigm

Women's Health: Research on Gender, Behavior and Policy

Chesney, M.
Ozer, E. M.

Mechanisms governing empowerment effects: a self-efficacy analysis.

Journal of personality and social psychology

Ozer EM, Bandura A